In Memoriam

Joanne Pentangelo

Joanne Pentangelo

Virginia Sherry among native plants in her garden on Staten Island, NY. Photo courtesy Lucia Houtas.

Virginia (Gini) Sherry, founder and past president of the Native Plant Society of Staten Island, passed away March 19, 2024 in Hawaii, surrounded by family.

Gini founded the Native Plant Society of Staten Island. Photo courtesy Paula West-Mejia.

Gini inspired all of us to be better stewards of this earth by championing the cause of native plants and forming the Native Plant Society of Staten Island in 2019. Through her hard work, vast knowledge, and boundless energy and enthusiasm, the organization has grown into an important resource for our many members across the Island, the city, and the state of New York. There isn’t a neighborhood on Staten Island that has been untouched by Gini—through native plant give-aways, sales, and seed exchanges, gardens and wildlife from the north to the south shore have benefited from Gini’s vision of encouraging native plantings, one garden at a time.

The success of the Native Plant Society of Staten Island is a testament to Gini. She was so passionate, so curious, so extremely intelligent that people were drawn to her and her ideas.

As your spring natives start popping through the dirt, please think of her. We will all miss her friendliness, knowledge, and intelligence. Gini was one of a kind and Staten Island, and the world, is a better place for having had her in it.

Joanne Pentangelo is the Treasurer and Acting President of the Native Plant Society of Staten Island.